Friday 27 November 2009

Narrative Codes and Conventions of Romantic Comedy

Currently Romantic comedy is one of the most popular film genres there are. In 2008 comedy topped all other genres including action and thriller. Of course there are certain expectations you would expect to see in a Rom Com and they started in some of the very earliest Romantic Comedies such as The Apartment. The Apartment was made in 1960 and has which was a typical story line of “boy meets girl, boy looses girl, boy gets girl back”. This is a very basic story line however even to this day big Hollywood movies use this same method such as 500 Hundred Days of Summer, which is a more recent Rom Com being made in the year 2000 however it has the exact narrative of a film made in the early 60’s. However even those two separate films share the same narrative the substance of the film is very different, making each Romantic comedy different from the other.

Another film which was made in the early 80’s called Sixteen Candles, also contains roughly the same sort of story line however this time, instead of the boy winning the girl back the girl gets the boy back. This is slightly different to the “typical” romantic comedy however it still shares the same concept of two lovers meeting, having trouble and splitting up. This romantic comedy was aimed at teenagers so it includes things teenagers would be interested in such as adolescent love, young parties, school, cheating and other things that a stereo typical in a young persons life. Another more recent teen Rom Com called John Tucker Must Die, made in 2006 share similarities between the story line because the main characters are three young girls, in a school, who like to go to parties and things a “typical” young teenager would do, who find out their boyfriend has been cheating on them and swears revenge.

No matter what age the Rom Com’s target audience is the film will normally include an attractive male or female as the main actor because this will appeal to all ages and all sexes. The male is normally slightly dorky, however loveable and the female is usually quite sexy and independent (someone woman can resemble themselves in). I also found out in my question air that attractive characters are one of the main reasons why people watch Romantic Comedies so it is crucial the film includes them

Research into Romantic Comedies & Classification

2008 was a great year for the Box Office UK as it grew to a record £850 million. The top film of 2008 was Mamma Mia which is a romantic comedy and has gone down in history by becoming the highest grossing film of all time in the UK, which means romantic comedies becoming increasingly popular. Another romantic comedy which was in the top five best film releases of 2008 is Sex in the City which was made in the USA.

Four Weddings and a Funeral is an English romantic comedy which is the top independent UK film which shows that the public do enjoy watching romantic comedies even if they are independent. This is also inspirational for me and my media team as we will be an independent group making a romantic comedy.

Comedy is currently the UK’s favourite genre and making almost a quarter of the Box Office in 2008. Comedy was the dominate genre of films sold in 2008 accounting for around 22% o the market figure. The next genre was action with 18% of all sales. However although comedy did exceptionally well in 2008, it did perform as well as it did in 2007.

Comedy was again this year the top grossing genre which means comedy alone turned over £222.4 million, which was followed by action which achieved £203.7 million. Primarily, comedy did so well because of the record breaking Mamma Mia which was the highest grossing film of all time.

In 2008 the Box Office released 140 comedy films which toped all other genres, however only 7 romance films toped the UK box office which states that romance is not as popular has comedy, however merging the two genres it will be drawing two types of audience together so that will be increasing the amount of viewers.


All films in the UK must carry a classification indicating the age group suitable to view the film. The British Board of Film Classification classifies most of the films of the theatre, however some local authority’s also can grant their own classification.

The box office released 193 films and15 rating topped all other classifications. It also made the most gross profit at the box office. The top film of this classification was Sex in the City which is also a romantic comedy and classified 15 rated film. The lowest gross profit made at the box office was 18 rating which only turned made 0.1 million gross box office. This is because of the rude and offence nature of 18 classified films the audience is very restricted.

From the classification 15 and above the nature of the film contains much stronger material than any other younger classification. Most of the older classified the films (depending of what genre it is), are more likely to involve adult – oriented topics.

If the classification of the film is U rated, then the film is limited to what it can show. The film has to make sure that all the material showing is suitable for all ages and contains no material likely to harm or offend anyone of any age or culture.

PG classification is abbreviated for Parental Guidance. Which means young children are suitable to watch the film, however an adult should be present at the time because the child may feel uncomfortable at times as the film may contain mild, infrequent language or mild fantasy violence.

The next rating is 12A, which means 12 years of ages accompanied with an adult. This classification allows the film to have mild language, moderate violence and sex; it is also aloud to show drug use which is band from any younger rating.

Rating 15 is the next rating above 12A and there is a large gap between what can been shown in a 12A and a 15. 15 is currently the most popular rating of film mainly because the martial approved for the film is much stronger and can me more attacking/shocking. The language in a 15 can be a great deal stronger and the film can contain scenes of a sexual nature and strong violence.

Story Board And Making Of Production

The making of our short video:

I worked with a colleague of mine names Jaime Sugar as we were both doing a romantic comedy and we then decided to work together. At first when we got the equipment together set it up and found our location and everything seemed to be going well. We then realised the concentration, patience, and time we needed to record the short production. And realised it was more stressful then we thought it would be. Once the video had been completed and we watched it back, we had positive and negative feedback and we saw that the lighting in the production was dark at certain points but this could not have been helped due to natural lighting. we saw that the panning of the smoking shelter could have been done before we have a long shot of character A walking up towards the shelter which could have made the production look more understandable. people thought that the shots in the beginning looked a bit disjointed however overall people liked the match on action and the over the shoulder shot conversation between the characters and the production turned out good. If we where to improve the production we would wait for the natural lighting to become more clear so that you can see what is going on more in the production. It would be important that the character used contnuity in there clothes and accents. The different camera angles we used where long shot, close up, shot reverse, match on action, and medium close up. we panned around the shelter and we also did over the shoulder shot.

Above is the storyboard to our production.